Wednesday 24 August 2011

It was a strange few days over the UK, when a small minority decided to go on a rampage of violence for no apparent reason whatsoever. Of course we all know that it started when the police shot an unarmed man in Tottenham but it seems hard to believe that this was all to do with moral outrage. If it was, it is hard to see how mugging innocent people and stealing a plasma screen TV is a way to show it. This was nothing more than a mob mentality spread by wannabe gangsters who spend their lives grasping at whatever they can and giving nothing. This is nothing to do with poverty. If you want to see poverty, go to Africa and see the starving children with flies crawling in their eyes; go to India and see rake thin men pulling fat businessmen around on a cart for a living. No one is actually in poverty here, no one needs to starve, no one needs to go without a roof over their heads and everyone is entitled to free health care. Virtually everyone can live fairly comfortably and often without even lifting a finger in return. The benefits system is quite rightly in place to protect the needy and the vulnerable but it goes without saying there's going to be some who milk it for everything they've got and put back nothing but misery. Demonising the working class? That is an insult to the real working class who really are the backbone of Britain. These thugs have never done a day's work in their lives.